I got the best help. Very professional and extremely dedicated. I was given lots of invaluable advice before my interviews, e.g. what to expect from the interviewers, what they look for in a candidate and what questions might be asked. I was regularly updated on the progress along the way. The whole team at RecSol work incredibly hard to match the candidate with the right job. During my initial meeting I had a 90-minute long chat just for them to get to know me and understand my goals. I would definitely recommend RecSol to anyone who seeks new opportunities as sometimes the ideal job cannot be found on regular employment websites; instead, you need a knowledgeable professional who knows where to look and how to sell your skills to a potential employer. Thank you again!
Graduate Trainee - 2021
"I would definitely recommend RecSol to anyone who seeks new opportunities; you need a knowledgeable professional who knows where to look and how to sell your skills to a potential employer. Thank you again!"
Graduate Trainee - 2021